Target Audience: First you want to think about your audience. Ask yourself…who will be viewing my website and what do I want to say to them? Once you figure out your target audience, you should start to focus on gathering all relevant text and images necessary to relay your message. It is not enough to…
Why You NEED a Website
Having a website is a huge deal. Its typically the first contact potential clients/prospects will have with your business, products, or services. Question…When was the last time you picked up the phone book or the yellow pages, or even the local newspaper and perused the classified section for a product or service you were looking for? My guess, in the past year, may be…
Standard Digital Image Formats
There are three formats that are most commonly used to display images on the web. These three formats are, JPEG, GIF, and PNG. Let’s take a closer look at these formats. GIF: Graphics Interchange Format A digital image that has been compressed using this algorithm. Uses up to 256 colours when rendering an image. The GIF format is…
Social Media: 5 Tips on how to keep it professional
Social media has changed the online game dramatically. It puts everyone, including large companies, on the same plain, its free, and used correctly, it can be a very powerful marketing tool. However the popularity of social media has brought out the great, and the not so great things social media can be used for. To maximize the…
Build your brand by blogging
Blogging is not really a new phenomenon. It’s been around for over a decade. It seems as if everyone you bump into has a blog. But the question is do you have a blog? And if you do, are you using it to build your brand? And if you don’t have a blog, why the…
Create Your Brand Message by Design
Nike’s Designed Brand Message As we take a look at Nike, we undoubtedly understand what their brand message is all about, regardless of what product they are selling. We instinctively equate greatness, success, inspiration, and innovation with the brand. Nike is crystal clear as to what their brand message is and consistently repeats this message…
Be Brand Focused for the New Year
Earlier on this year (2013) we made the decision to focus more of our efforts towards helping our clients build and develop there brands. We realized that though we provided them with great design pieces, there was a disconnect resulting in the marketing piece not being as effective as it could have been. That’s…
Boost Your Reputation – Get Business Cards (includes promo-code)
If you are a professional of any kind, a business card is a must. Not a sort’a kind’a…no its a MUST. This little 3.5 inches by 2 inches, card stock piece of paper can do more for you that you probably give it credit for. Whether you be a corporate exec, or a college student,…
Web Hosting: Free vs. Premium [the short of it]
Now-a-days it just makes sense to have a website, regardless of whether you own a business or not. However, with a website, inevitably comes web hosting. What is website hosting? Simply stated; web hosting gives your website files a place to be stored, and from there enabling your website files to be viewed online. Web hosting companies generally…
What is SEO and Why You May Need It!
I’m sure by now you’ve heard a lot of talk about SEO. You may already have an idea as to what it is and what the acronym stands for. But with all the hype out there about SEO, the question you should as is DO I REALLY NEED IT? The answer to that question…