Social media has changed the online game dramatically. It puts everyone, including large companies, on the same plain, its free, and used correctly, it can be a very powerful marketing tool.
However the popularity of social media has brought out the great, and the not so great things social media can be used for.
To maximize the effectiveness of your social media profile(s), I’ve compiled 5 simple tips on how to keep your profiles looking fresh, and professional. Let’s take a look at them.
1: Profile Name
Your profile name should be your actual name, or some variation of it. For example my Facebook profile name is “Kesean Kenton“, and my Facebook fan/business page is ““. If you have a more common name like “John Smith” You may want to mix it up a bit by adding a middle initial as in “John D. Smith”.
This shows professionalism and allows for people to find you easier.
SeXxYmaMa123 or ImmaBoss4Life isn’t going to cut it.
2: Profile picture
You profile picture should be a picture of you (duh). It should be clear and easily recognizable. I’m not saying that u need to get a professional shots just to use as your profile image, but image quality is important when striving for an overall professional look. Don’t restrict yourself to only the stilted boring shots. It should have bit of personality…engaging even.
3: Status updates
I suggest updating your status no more than 3 times a day, 5 times or more per day is pushing it.
What you post as your status update can get a bit tricky. You don’t want to come off too salesy or businessy. This can turn people off and away believe it or not. People are more interested in you as a person and not so much about your business, per se. To manage what I posted as my status updates, a friend of mine introduced me some time ago to the 80/20 rule. Here it is. 80% of your updates should be personal (but not too personal) positive, and lifestyle related. The other 20% of your status updates should be business and marketing related.
Clever use of the 80/20 model can actually increase your circle of influence. People see the real you, and feels far less threatened and way more accepting to your business and what you have to offer.
Hint: This rule can increase your pool of potential prospects….Facebook is gold!
4: Image gallery
Most all social media websites have some form of image management. The images you upload here will give people an idea of the kind of lifestyle you live. People will make assumptions.
I suggest uploading images that show you in the best light. Photos of family, social activities, special events, trips, etc. Its really up to you. However, you will have to use your discretion. If you feel that an image may questionable and may diminish overall your professional reputation, you may want to reconsider.
5: Profile info
Treat this like a mini resume or a short bio. In a few words describe who you are and what you do. I often see people include favorite quotes, and hobbies in these profile info sections.
Including your website and email address is also encouraged. I don’t advocate posting your personal phone number, but if you have a business phone or a secondary phone line for business, then you can include that as well. I know most of the large phone companies in North America offer secondary phone numbers at a low cost, even free depending on the package plan.
If you found these tips helpful, go ahead leave a comment below. I love feedback 
And don’t forget to check out my Facebook and follow me on Twitter.
Much success,